Sheila’s Courses, Presentations and Workshops
In Person
Cognitive-Communication Course for Acquired Brain Injury: Level 1
Join instructor Sheila MacDonald to enjoy all the benefits of in-person learning and connection with like minded colleagues, October 26 & 27, 2023 at the Latvian Centre. Toronto, Ontario. This course will be hosted in collaboration with Speech-Language & Audiology Canada. For more information or to register please visit their website here or contact Michelle Jackson at if you have any questions about the course.
The Cognitive-Communication Course for Acquired Brain Injury, (CCCABI Course) is a comprehensive, online ABI clinical course for speech-language pathologists.
Here are the key features of the CCCABI Courses

- 12 Modules tailored to SLP clinical practice across the rehabilitation continuum from coma to community, college, and career.
- Integration of SLP research evidence, clinical experience & stories of those with lived experience of brain injury.
- Modules include video lectures, clinical illustrations, evidence synthesis & application, assessment and treatment techniques, practical strategies, clinical tools, slides, references, and a self-assessment guide
- A certificate of completion at the end of each module.
The CCCABI course translates ABI evidence relevant to SLP, celebrates the leaders in our field, provides a shared framework to consolidate learning, and creates a centralized resource that you can apply clinically for years to come!! Let’s continue to build our community of practice and our expertise for the benefit of those we serve!!
To access the online CCCABI course, follow this link:
SLP CCCABI Level 1 and CCCABI Level 2 Virtual
If your SLP group would like to arrange a virtual CCD Level 1 or Level 2 course contact me and we can discuss arrangements.
Multidisciplinary Courses and Conferences
- I’ll post any upcoming conferences or workshops here as they are planned.
How Speech-Language Pathologists can Help
- There are 148 clinical recommendations for cognitive-communication intervention supported by years of evidence. These recommendations and the evidence that supports them are summarized in the CCEAS-Map. It was first published in this article by MacDonald & Shumway, 2022. Access the CCEAS-Map here.
How to Assist People with Cognitive and Communication Difficulties
Evidence for Cognitive-Communication Intervention
- SLP in Concussion and Mild Brain Injury Position Statement
- MacDonald, Sheila, (2017) Introducing the model of cognitive-communication competence: A model to guide evidence-based communication interventions after brain injury. Brain Injury 31 (13-14) 1760-1780.
MacDonald, S., & Wiseman-Hakes, C. (2010). Knowledge translation in ABI rehabilitation: A model for consolidating and applying the evidence for cognitive-communication interventions. Brain Injury : [BI], 24(3), 486–508
Ponsford, J., Bayley, M., Wiseman-Hakes, C., Togher, L., Velikonja, D., & McIntyre, A, Janzen, S., & Tate, R. (2014) INCOG Recommendations for management of cognition following traumatic brain injury, Part II: Attention and Information Processing Speed. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 29(4) 321-337.
Tate, R., Ponsford, J., Kennedy, M., Douglas, J.,Velikonja, D., & Bayley, M.& Stergiou-Kita M. (2014) INCOG Recommendations for management of cognition following traumatic brain injury, Part III: Executive Function and Self Awarness. Jounal of head trauma rehabilitation 29(4) 338-352.
Togher, L., Wiseman-Hakes, C., Douglas, J., Stergiou-Kita, M., Ponsford, J., Teasell, R., … Turkstra, L. S. (2014). INCOG Recommendations for Management of Cognition Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Part IV: Cognitive Communication. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 29(4), 353–68.
Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences (ANCDS)
Evidence-Based Review of Moderate to Severe Acquired Brain Injury (ABIEBR)
Brain Injury Awareness & Prevention
- Ontario Brain Injury Association
- Acquired Brain Injury Survivor Solutions
- Video – Brain Injury, Auto Insurance
- ABI Justice
- Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation
- Video for Stroke/brain injury awareness
- Video Brain Injury & Justice System