How Speech-Language Pathologists can Help
There are 148 clinical recommendations for cognitive-communication intervention supported by years of evidence. These recommendations and the evidence that supports them are summarized in the CCEAS-Map.
The CCEAS-MAP was first published in this article by MacDonald & Shumway, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.12817
Access the CCEAS-MAP

Excerpt from CCEAS-MAP
Cognitive-Communication Evidence Application for Speech-Language Pathologists/Therapists: Map of Clinical Recommendations for Adults with Acquired Brain Injuries (CCEAS MAP: ADULT ABI)
Sheila MacDonald & Elyse Shumway, Jan 2023 (Revised)
Focus of these Clinical Recommendations:
These evidence-based clinical recommendations address interventions for cognitive-communication disorders (CCD) in adults with acquired brain injuries (ABI) along the full continuum of care from injury to return to work, school, and social participation. This evidence map pertains to speech-language pathology (SLP) or speech-language therapy (SLT) practice for adults with CCD.
Search & Extraction Process:
These Clinical Recommendations were extracted from 129 published guidelines, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, clinical reviews, and surveys based on a search and extraction process described in MacDonald & Shumway (2022). Included were publications and guidelines from the period of 2011 to 2021 that synthesize and evaluate multiple studies and integrate 3 kinds of evidence.
1. Research Evidence: From systematic reviews and meta-analyses from the SLP CCD literature and multidisciplinary literature relevant to CCD.
2. Clinician or Clinical Practice Evidence: From guidelines, surveys, review articles and consultations.
3. Persons with Lived Experience Evidence (PWLE): Perspectives of individuals with brain injuries and their close others found in surveys, review articles and consultations.
*This current version 1.2 incorporates the recommendations from the INCOG Guidelines 2023.The recommendations are summarized, categorized according to areas of SLP practice. Recommendations are stated in actionable language to assist SLPs in interpretation, application, and self-evaluation.